Adult Classes

Tuesday 8.30-9.30pm Seasonal Yin (online) at The Wee Retreat

Wednesday 11am-12pm Seasonal Yin (studio) at Cafe Yoga (term time only)

Wednesday 6-7pm Seasonal Yoga Flow (studio) at The Feel Good Hub in Bingley

Friday 9.30-10.30am Morning Flow (In person & Online) at Heather Yoga

Friday 10.45-11.45am Seasonal Yin (In person & Online) at Heather Yoga

*Please click here to book.

What is Seasonal Yoga?

Seasonal Yoga is designed to align the changing energies of nature and the seasons in a practice that improves physical strength and flexibility, giving balance, harmony and an enhanced sense of well-being, providing an antidote to the stress and anxiety of modern life.

The classes focus on particular energy channels and corresponding organs in line with each season; class content changes with the seasons promoting and maintaining good health of your mind and body.

Seasonal yoga combines Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung and a modern understanding about body movement, with Traditional Chinese Medicine ideas about the changing nature of the seasons around us, and within.

Within traditional Chinese medicine, a holistic, integrated system of thinking, each season corresponds to an element, a life stage, a colour, a shape and a time of day, as well as to aspects of the individual, such as emotions, activities, and internal organs.

The style and focus of classes changes week by week, month by month. This keeps your focus but more importantly promotes and maintains good health of your mind and body.

Winter  – Jan/Feb/early March 

A time to reflect, regenerate, and develop your curiosity and imagination. To achieve a sense of stillness and contemplation, avoid stressful situations and allow life to develop smoothly.

Spring  – March/April/May 

A time of growth with enhanced energy levels. A time to inspire change and refresh your practice and lifestyle. Spring clean your diet, mind and home.

Summer  – June/July/August

Summer is a time of high energy, living life to the full. We feel invigorated and robust. Soak up some energy from the sun to drive you through to late summer.

Late Summer  – Aug/Sept/Oct 

Feel connected to the earth at this time of year. Go on walks in the countryside, get busy in the garden, do something that makes you feel good about yourself.

Autumn – Late Oct/Nov/Dec 

A time to gather energy inwards and prepare for colder months ahead, let go and clear negative thoughts. Cleanse yourself with an open mind.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga as exercise, incorporating principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time. This practice is designed to help you sit longer, and more comfortably, in meditation by stretching connective tissue around the joints (mainly the knees, pelvis, sacrum, and spine). A passive practice, Yin Yoga involves variations of seated and supine poses typically held for 3 to 5 minutes, accessing deeper layers of fascia. This class is suitable for beginners. Please ensure you advise of any medical conditions, injuries, pregnancies or births within the last 12 mths.

“I’ve practiced for a number of years but had never tried Yin  yoga before – I LOVED it! Debs is fantastic leading the class through the postures, just the right amount of instruction vs quietness, and I really like how she tells us what benefits each pose delivers to the body. Just what I needed after a long stressful day at my desk. Loved the deep stretches, felt physical but peaceful and calming at the same time. I’m definitely a convert and will be signing up for more classes.”



My wonderful teacher Mimi explains,  “Qigong, like Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a preventative practice, rather than a remedial practice.  It can help us move back into balance but it’s a slow practice that supports our innate capacity to come into balance, and once in balance we can be less susceptible to the triggers that cause disease, stress, injury or sickness.”

Qigong can harmonise, strengthen, and have a healing effect on the functioning of all the internal organs and bodily systems. It increases the supply and flow of energy throughout the body, can have a variety of rejuvenating effects and is believed to increase longevity, and it induces calm mental and emotional states.

Movements focus on gently opening and stretching the joints and muscles of the body, releasing tension that has often been there for years. By increasing the flow of blood and energy, they help to fully nourish all parts of the body. Many people report that they feel very relaxed and energised after a session of Qigong.

This practice is primarily done standing but if you need a chair we can facilitate that too. It is suitable for anyone, whether you have practiced Qigong or not.



“I would like to say a big thank you to you as coming along to your yoga classes has made such a difference to me this year.  It rates highly amongst those things that have helped me to destress and maintain emotional balance.  Know that you make a difference to so many people’s lives.”

“I really enjoy Debs’ Seasonal flow classes and workshops. She is an experienced teacher and I like the information given about the seasons and how they affect our moods and bodies.  Whilst it’s a relaxed class I still get the calming stillness that I love throughout and afterwards. I can’t wait to also do Debs’ Yin yoga when it comes to the studio I attend.”

“I have been doing classes and workshops with Debs for over 3 years now. Very kind compassionate caring knowledgeable lady with a relaxed approach to the classes l have recommended people to join including my daughter who has loved the ones shes attended.”

“Deborah’s seasonal flow classes & workshops are fantastic! I really enjoy aligning breath & movement practices with what is happening in nature. The mix of yoga, qigong & other influences works so well, with each aspect completing the other, providing a well-rounded & varied practice. Deborah generously shares her knowledge of all elements of the practice, informing, guiding & supporting all participants in an individualised way. Deborah is an incredibly warm, welcoming & inclusive teacher. Her classes offer options for all, a good balance of effort & ease in a relaxed, fun environment. I would highly recommend any of Deborah’s classes & workshops.”